the other Pee speaks

Hey there freshies and seniors!

As you probably know by now there’re two of us managing the publicity and publication for the committee, and you’ve probably heard enough about how awesome the camp is going to be from Yamuna, also known as the first Pea. Yours truly, Natalie, is the second Pee, otherwise known as the more obnoxious one of the two. Ask the committee and you will know that any last minute requests and not-exactly-intelligent-questions automatically reach Yamuna first because everyone prefers to steer clear of the (insert description here which is unsuitable for public platforms). And if you don’t already know, most of the posts and publicity material which contain words more than 4 syllables long are usually from me.

I’m not here to ride on the wave of propaganda that Pea has been feeding you (Sorry Yam), and as much as I would like to say otherwise, I’m one of those deserters who left camp and never came back after the first day because the inner spoilt brat under the sporty tan screams “OMG OMG OMG MUD DIRT AND I NEED TO GET WET AND ALL THESE GUYS ARE NOT EVEN GOOD LOOKING I SHALL BOLT!” I will also not promise you that you’re going to find love, or true friends that are gonna stick by you for a good many years to come. Coming to camp also does not automatically make you one of the cool crowd in Hall.

But what I can tell you is that living among strangers and new friends is a new experience for most of you, and what you take out of it is basically what you make of it. You may find a family of your own amongst neighbors, or you might get neighbors from hell who steal your laundry and shoes. I didn’t find love in Hall, but my roomie, a very dear and sweet girl, did, like many others who have found their other halves in Hall five. I did find some great friends though, though we’re not part of the “cools’ who hit the clubs on a regular basis and whom everyone knows by name in Hall. You don’t actually have to go through mud, dirt and grime that they pelt at you in camp to actually bond with these strangers. I’ve found that making small talk, or joining a few committees (like HAVOC) usually do the trick pretty well. That being said, however, “THAT STUPID THING YOU DID DURING NIGHT HIKE!!!” usually makes for an excellent ice-breaker when trying to make conversation with seniors.

So what now, to come or not to come? If I were a freshie who’d already gone through some of the horrors in faculty camp, I’d say no. But as a senior and with the wisdom of hindsight, I’d say I’d do it again, except this time I wouldn’t be so quick to bolt, because I would have actually liked to experience some of the healthy, clean events held in good fun that I heard so much about from those who actually stuck it through all five days. As a committee member, I would say, please do come, because I’ve seen the dedication and hard work that your programmers, business managers, welfare, logistics and tops have put into the planning and execution of these activities, and as P&P Yam and I can certainly say that we’ve worked our asses off to prettify (ENGLISH PHAIL) our promotional and publicity materials.

So why not, take a chance on us?

Hall 5 Freshmen Orientation Camp

Hall 5 FOC awaits!

Hall 5 Freshmen Orientation Camp is happening on     16 – 20 August!

Aren’t you excited? If you only knew the amount of effort that went into the planning of the Hall 5 FOC, you’d be more than excited. For the past one year, the 28 of us have been sloughing hard to put together the Hall 5 FOC programme and we only want it to be perfect for you.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Hall 5 Freshmen Orientation Camp now! Leave us a comment, we’re more than happy to hear from you.

Not too long ago, when I was still your age, I remember trawling the net for information and blog posts (hopefully like this) that will give me more insights to hall life. I found the info sorely lacking and nothing prepared me for the kind of hall life that I’ve experienced. So now, bear with this dear old lady as she attempts to offer you some advice.

I still remember when I was so excited at the prospect of not having to wear ugly uniforms and having the freedom to participate in a fashion parade (or not). But believe me, it becomes a bother when you have a 9am class to rush for and can’t decide which shirt to wear or worst, when you can’t remember if you’ve worn this same shirt the day before. And while I’m on the topic of clothes, let me remind you that you’ll have to do your own laundry and have the option to hang it in your room where we have a bbq pit-like structure, perfect for dripping wet clothes or hanging your expensive suits outside and risk losing it (kidding! for the 2 years I’ve done this, only 1 smelly old sock went missing). Well, my point is that after awhile, I got lazy and ditched my nice party clothes for the more functional t-shirts and shorts, complete with flip-flops. Why? Simply because nobody around here bothers with an iron unless you’re a Business student who’ll need to iron out those wrinkles on your shirt.

More than the clothes, staying in Hall means “ByeBye parental control” and “Hello late night suppers and mahjong sessions”. Mahjong is touted as the best stress relieving tool around here. It also happens to be one of our favourite recreational activity, hence if you want the fast track to get to know your seniors, you know you have to brush up on your mahjong skills now. But all is not lost if you’re a non-mahjong person like me. Our other favourite activity is eating. You’ll be glad to know that Hall 5 is one of the 2 halls closest to the outside world – we’re the nearest to the favourite supper hunts Ah Fang and Extension, so no worries about going to sleep hungry.

The ugly-looking facade aside, I love Hall 5 best for it’s smallness and straight-forward layout. There’re only 4 blocks, each with 4 floors, surrounding a common canteen. The block is shaped like a ring, such that everyone can see just about everyone else. This open concept I feel is, one of the best features of our hall. That, and the fact that almost everybody leaves their doors open, allowing neighbours to barge in at any time of day, for a rant or to borrow shampoo.

It is this friendship I’ve found here that I am most thankful for. I still remember how lost I was as a  freshie, staring up at the unfriendly buildings around NTU and the sprawl of the campus just scared me. Even after 2 years here, I still get lost easily between the Spines, I still take the wrong shuttle buses, but heck, I also have great friends who’d get out of bed in the middle of the night just to walk me back.

The NTU campus is big, but not as big as the Hall 5 family.

You can count on us to make your stay with Hall 5 a great one.

But you have to help us help you too! Take the first step by signing up for the Hall 5 Orientation Camp today! Make those friends before they’re all taken..

🙂 See ya at the camp!

Unveiling Interactive OG T-shirts

This year, HAVOC has come up with a series of interactive OG shirts! What do we mean by interactive? Well, you can wear the shirt AND play with it!

Fancy wearing a charm around your neck? Or strapping a bow on your back like Legolas? Even wield a sword or spear? That’s all you can do with our shirts, and more! Imagine the wonderful photo opportunities this presents.

Iris Tee

Iris: Milo Green
Styx TeeStyx: Royal Blue
Orion TeeOrion: Red
Nike TeeNike:  Yellow or Orange (TBC)

Updates: Publicity and Publication

Vison Uprising Camp T

OG logo: Nike & Styx
OG Logo: Orion & Iris

 Hell, we’ve called ourselves PNP for the longest time.. i’ve forgotten what each P stands for. Anyway, here’s the unofficially confirmed Camp T-shirt design (we got a verbal confirmation from the committee already) and work-in-progress OG logos.  That’s all for PNP’s update for now.. more to come very very soon, we promise! Now, we appreciate all your kind and honest comments.

But first, please hear us out.. let us make our case. The OG logos this year look a little more .. should i say, tame, as compared to the gungho and unique-looking logos of the past because this year’s PNP are headed by 2 girls who unfortunately are not into Jap manga nor have much flair with creating things from scratch using the computer.

Hence, we have decided to steer clear of the Manga-ish looking stuff and concentrate on adapting what little we can find online into our own logos.. One of the major supporting arguments is that together with the words, the logo will be more recognisable, not to say more memorable. Let’s face the truth, which senior here still remembers what their og logo looks like?!  (people usually rmb the og name, don’t they?)

But sadly, this logic has not been very well-received. Supporters of the old camp are saying that the new logos lack character (I wonder what character they want to see in a logo) and are not ‘unique’-looking enough. Sighs.

Truth be told, I feel strongly that simplicity is the key.. Not to say it will also save us PNP alot of work, but more importantly, I want to design a logo which will look less ‘ah-beng’ and more wearable.. I want a logo which, when printed on a neon-coloured t-shirt, will still give me reason to wear outside of my hall.. because it is not a tee that people will see and go “oh, it’s the hall 5 camp t-shirt la!”

still, this is our 4cents worth. give us your 2 cents.
